On Friday evening, luxury retailer Neiman Marcus admitted that it had suffered a data breach exposing customers' credit card information and that it was working with federal investigators to find out the extent of the damage. The company told security writer Brian Krebs that it was not sure how many customers were affected or now the hack was caused.
Krebs, who appears to have unearthed news of the hack first, explains: “Earlier this week, I began hearing from sources in the financial industry about an increasing number of fraudulent credit and debit card charges that were being traced to cards that had been very recently used at brick-and-mortar stores run by the Dallas, Texas based high-end retail chain. Sources said that while it appears the fraud on those stolen cards was perpetrated at a variety of other stores, the common point of purchase among the compromised cards was Neiman Marcus.”
For its part, Neiman Marcus said in an official statement that its credit card processor alerted the chain in mid-Decemeber about “potentially unauthorized payment card activity that occurred following customer purchases at our Neiman Marcus Group stores.”
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