On Tuesday, former Florida governor Jeb Bush published Volume 1 of an e-book detailing all of his official correspondence while in gubernatorial office. Although the e-book is edited and e-mail addresses have been redacted, the Governor's Office also published six Outlook files full of all of Bush's unredacted correspondence—creating a trove of full names connected with personal e-mail addresses, home addresses, phone numbers and even social security numbers, as The Verge first reported.
"This year I am releasing an e-book that uses my emails with Floridians as a guide to my eight years as governor. Here's a sneak peek at Chapter 1,” the former governor and possible presidential hopeful explains on his website jebbushemails.com. In the corresponding e-book, he continues, “Millions of emails came in through our website, but it was when I made my personal email—[email protected]—public that I earned the nickname 'The eGovernor.'”
Unfortunately, releasing the personal e-mails of his correspondents probably won't lead to the same jokey familiarity for them, and it could result in dangerous exposure to identity thieves and social engineering hackers.
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