Ars has already chronicled the feeding frenzy among lawyers trying to capitalize on the epic Ashley Madison data breach. Now there's word of scam sites charging hefty fees to expunge the data of exposed members and attempts to extort people caught up in the privacy nightmare.
One of the best known offenders is known as Trustify, which bills itself as a private investigator service. According to security researcher Troy Hunt, Trustify is sending unsolicited e-mails with the subjects such as "Your boss might know" to many of the 36 million addresses included in the resulting dump.
"There are ways to hide the exposed details, but first you need to see what information can be found across the Web," one of the e-mails states, glossing over the reality that the highly personal data leaked in the Ashley Madison hack is a permanent part of the Internet record. "Talk with our experienced investigative consultants to learn how you can find our [sic] what incriminating information is available and could ruin your life."
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