Well it is bound to happen occasionally, and it did last week… I missed a Chet Chat. I was at the Sophos sales conference and did so much speaking and chatting with colleagues, that I lost my voice.
I’m back this week though, and I had my friend and co-worker Ben Jupp join me on Chet Chat 60. Ben works in our Global Escalation Support team and deals with all the thorny issues with non-Windows platforms. Ben’s specialty is Mac OS X and works closely with product development and SophosLabs on Apple related issues.
This week we began our discussion with Obama’s recent proposed changes to the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) and Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO). We talked about the latest data breach at Square Enix and Sony’s most recent stumble.
My primary reason for having Ben as my guest was to explore all the news surrounding the recent fake anti-virus attacks against the Mac platform. In addition to the malware for OS X we also talked a bit about the Apple Mac App Store and keeping applications patched against vulnerabilities.
If you prefer a news summary for the week in text format, visit the Sophos Security News and Trends for the latest selected hot topics or subscribe to our weekly newsletter, Sophos eNews.
(19 May 2011, duration 20:27 minutes, size 9.9MBytes)
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