Recently there have been several reports about the re-emergence of a botnet variant (Kelihos), which Symantec detects as W32.Waledac.C. The Waledac family is a threat that has been monitored by Sym
Category: Security Response
Contribution: Takayoshi Nakayama
I was going through some files we acquired related to targeted attacks the other day and an unusual set of files caught my eyes. We did some analysis on the
Upwards of 20,000 stolen archives have been uploaded to a third party file-sharing site from hosts infected with a new threat called Infostealer.Offsupload. The following heatmap indicates the U.S.
Thanks to Eric Chien for his assistance with this research.
We recently came across a new piece of Android malware, first highlighted by NC State’s Xuxian Jiang, and