OSSIM is a popular Open Source SIEM or Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) product, providing event collection, normalization and correlation.
OSSIM stands for Open Source Secur
OSSIM is a popular Open Source SIEM or Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) product, providing event collection, normalization and correlation.
OSSIM stands for Open Source Secur
On October 12, researcher Mathy Vanhoef announced a set of Wi-Fi attacks that he named KRACKs, for key reinstallation attacks. These attack scenarios are against the WPA2 authentication and encrypt
If you’ve read our previous blog, “Leveraging UEBA Capabilities in Your Existing SIEM,” you understand how McAfee Enterprise Security Manager can perform many essential UEBA functions lev
For more than a decade, in response to higher volumes of alerts, security information and event monitoring (SIEM) became an integral component of enterprise security programs. However, the increasi