An IBM keyboard signed by ctrl-alt-del inventor, David Bradley (credit: Ross Grady) Once again, Bill Gates has bemoaned the creation of the ctrl-alt-del shortcut. Talking at Bloomberg Global Busin
Tag: Biz & IT
Enlarge / Kaspersky Lab CEO and Chairman Eugene Kaspersky speaks at a conference in Russia on July 10, 2017. (credit: Anton NovoderezhkinTASS via Getty Images)
The Department of Homeland secu
Enlarge (credit: Michael Theis)
Security researchers have unearthed a sprawling list of login credentials that allows anyone on the Internet to take over home routers and more than 1,700 R
Enlarge (credit: Omer Shwartz et al.)
People with cracked touch screens or similar smartphone maladies have a new headache to consider: the possibility the replacement parts installed by repa