Zeus, also known as ZBot, is one of best-known malware in the industry. The main purpose of this malware is to steal banking credentials, allowing attackers to commit electronic fraud. Until 2010,
Author: McAfee Labs
In 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto had an idea: a digital currency that could be used without bank or central entities, based on the trust the users had for each other. With the help of public-key cryptogr
The fake-alert families (bogus or rogue anti-virus software) are one of the most prevalent threats we face, and we see lots of new variants everyday. The threat is expanding constantly. For example
Hi, everyone. I am very excited to announce that I recently joined McAfee Labs. As many of you know, I have spent more than 20 years doing anti-virus (AV) development and research. Needless to say,